Termistor cartridge

Termistor cartridge

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A custom made thermistor encapsulated into an easy to use cartridge package.

Using our proven Semitec 104GT thermistors, which are then potted into a cylindrical copper cartridge with a high conductivity ceramic based adhesive. The legs are insulated with fibreglass sleeving, and terminated with a Molex Microfit 3.0 connector.

Product code: 159 Shipping and Payment

€ 7,92 incl. VAT
In stock

A custom made thermistor encapsulated into an easy to use cartridge package.

Using our proven Semitec 104GT thermistors, which are then potted into a cylindrical copper cartridge with a high conductivity ceramic based adhesive. The legs are insulated with fibreglass sleeving, and terminated with a Molex Microfit 3.0 connector.

Product code: 159 Shipping and Payment